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The Arts and Culture Tour

For the Discerning Traveler!
Want to expand your horizons, challenge your aesthetics
and enlighten yourself to the societies that surround you?
This package tour includes transport to and tickets of attendance for:

The Cyclical Luxan Shintok Sonnet and Qualta Blade Contest
Witness competitors compose poetry while engaged in swordsmanship displays of incredible difficulty and fatality. Visit the resting place of last cycle's winner, and attend performances of former award-winning sonnets played by the Planetary Shilquen Symphony.
Sykarian Semi-Cyclical Dance Festival
Held on the darkest Fridays this bright planet sees, it's a celebration of community and local agricultural products that is made all the more special by the attendance of off-planet guests!
Galactic Breakthroughs Present: Denean Ethnological Acting Troupe
Join other off-planet visitors in playing "camouflage" games among the planetary natives. Winners receive a cycle's worth of free passes to Galactic Breakthrough Productions, including many shows produced by Oz. Inc. and Seal Amusements.
Wild Leviathan Concerts in the White Noise Nebula
Accompany your guides on an outing to hear the impromptu and haunting song of Leviathans passing through the White Noise Nebula. The peculiar auditory reflective properties of this nebula guarantee us a front-row seat for music that can't be heard anywhere else!
Peacekeeper Drill Team and Commando Performance Exercises
Not everyone's taste, but you have to admire the sheer amount of time they spent on doing those cool marching formations and breaking down pulse rifles. The Commando Performance Exercises offer the chance to witness what made the Peacekeepers the force they are today: sheer terror!
The Interstellar Alliance Presents: The Narn-Centauri Opera Company
A feat many people said couldn't be done, and others said shouldn't be done: a bi-species melding of the two most diverse opera styles in the galaxies, to form something completely new! NOTE: Formal dress is required for all attendees; librettos of "La Traviata" can be purchased at the Tuzanor Opera House the day of arrival).